The quality of life is dependent upon the quality of your thoughts.

Mental healthcare from home.

Transforming Mental Healthcare

We are a group of mental health providers providing counseling via the online format. Just as with in-person counseling, unconditional positive regard will be provided to each person attending our virtual counseling center. Safe, secure and confidential counseling in a location that is the most comfortable and convenient for you.

Mental healthcare with convenience.


Do you have difficulty communicating during a disagreement? Do you think about what to say while the other person is still talking? Do you ever feel like you never win an argument…even when you win? One of the foundational concepts integrated with the VCC approach is communication. We present to you a way to communicate without using manipulation, yelling, silence, and/or threats. It is an approach that identifies when you are seeking control of an argument or a situation with another person, and even yourself. And if you are seeking control, that means you are not in control - because why would you seek control if you already have it? The integration within the counseling process has proved to be exceptionally effective and appreciated.

A modern approach

There are a lot of counseling theories to utilize during counseling. The VCC team remains abreast of the new concepts - as well as utilizing the tried-but-true classics. However, there are some methods that the VCC team uses that are expedient, non-invasive, and is progressively reinforced. Our goal is to help you in the most effective way, involving the least amount of time - saving you money.

Learninh the most efficient way to communicate.

Learning to communicate without seeking control will be an amazing tool to use to establish confidence and clarity. It also provides a wonderful opportunity for the counseling process to be enhanced.

Get started with VCC, today.